Wednesday, March 09, 2005

We should all be this lucky

For almost 70 years, Ted and Fern Hanwick were inseparable. Now, they're that way forever. In the end, they didn't even spend a day apart.

"They were soul mates, and they were linked at the heart," says their daughter, Linda Putnam. "They could just never be apart."

They were 95, and Ted went first. Went ahead, that is. The family says Ted would want to be sure everything was ready before Fern came along.

This is a beautiful story about a married couple who were soulmates. Nick Coleman, columnist for the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, has written a wonderful tribute to the first chairman of the Physics Department at Augsburg College in Minneapolis, and his wife. Embedded is a reminder that science and a strong faith do not have to be mutually exclusive. Please take the time to read this touching story: