Wednesday, September 22, 2004

What Do Women Want? An Open Letter To Senator John Kerry (D-MA)

Dear Senator Kerry,

There has been a lot written in the press lately about how you are losing women’s votes. As two women who represent your Democratic core, we would like to tell you what we, as women, want to hear.

While we’re proud that as a son of privilege you volunteered for Vietnam, we’re sick of hearing about it. Ditto all the allegations about George W. Bush shirking his military service. It’s time to give up this nonsense. It has little impact on our lives today. Frankly, we’re sick of it and it’s making the two of you look like spiteful little boys, not accomplished men.

As Democrats, we want you to keep asking and demanding the answer to: “Are you really better off than you were four years ago?”

We need to hear how you are going to keep us safe. Not broad promises but actual plans where you tell us (in laymen’s terms) what you will do to achieve your goals.

We need to hear what you are going to do so that we can have what we need to take care of our children. Talk to us about how you are going bolster the economy and support small businesses, a great many of which are run by women. Tell us how we can be sure our children will be fed, well educated and have their medical needs looked after.

Tell us how we can find and keep a home if we are poor. Tell us what you will do when we are left without a man in our lives, especially the majority of us who will outlive our mates. Tell us that your plans to make sure we won’t spend our old age living in a closet eating cat food.

We need to hear optimism. Yes, “Hope is on the Way” is an uplifting slogan, but we also need to hear creativity. What new ideas have you come up with that will give us reason to believe that hope really is on the way?

We need to see the real you. You are still pretty much a tall cipher with great hair, a winning smile and a rich wife. We don’t know you and as women we are very interested in what makes a person tick. We are also appreciative of men who make us feel safe because they are honorable, decent and kind. If you are these things, show us.

Lastly, treat us as intelligent human beings and you’ll win our confidence. Treat our concerns seriously and you’ll win our respect. Treat our needs as an important part of your campaign and you’ll win our vote. That’s what women want. It couldn’t be any simpler than that.

The Thinking Women

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