Wednesday, March 02, 2011

They Never Had It So Good

We confess that it has been too long since The Thinking Women have spoken out. But the recent assault on the middle class has us shaking our heads in frustration and despair.

Guest columnist, Herbert F. Geller, recently summed it up neatly:

by Herbert F. Geller

Who says there is a recession? These are the best of times for the big corporations and the Wall Street Tycoons. They are making money hand over fist. Read the Wall Street Journal. The big corporations are posting record profits. The Dow Jones Report is way over 12,000 and the big banks are choked with cash they don't want to loan.

And who says they want to create more jobs? The less people they hire, the more money the top executives will make. They are perfectly happy with 9 or 10 percent unemployment.This means that they can pay less and give less benefits to the people they do hire. And the ones they do hire better not ask for more money or benefits or out they go. There are plenty more people who can take their jobs.

And the best thing they have to keep the poor slobs in line is their stooges, the Republican Tea Partiers. All they have to do is cry "Deficit! Deficit! Look at the taxes our poor children will have to pay," and they get what they want.

The Tea Partiers won the 2010 election and put into office a bunch of Know Nothings who are working hard to take away the power of middle-class and working-class Americns to get a decent share of the prosperity the big shots are enjoying. "We have to cut spending particularly for education, aid for the handicapped and preserving the environment but don't raise taxes for the rich," they say.

They elected people like Governor Walker of Wisconsin who wants to destroy the unions by taking away the right of collective bargaining and Governor Scott of Florida who opposes regulation of narcotics. "We must have limited government so corporations can avoid regulations." They would like a flat tax where a hardworking man or woman would have to pay a larger percentage of their income then a billionaire.

Yes they never had it so good. They are working hard to push American working people back to the 1870s and they are succeeding. When will our people realize what they are doing to destroy the American dream? And when will we fight back against the Tea Partiers and their corporate masters?

Herb Geller is a veteran of World War II, a New York State Democratic Committeeman, and an American Legion commander. As a journalist with nearly 60 years of experience, he has interviewed everyone from Presidents to the man next door.

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